Welcome in your future photonics packaging standards

Welcome in your future photonics packaging standards
Integrated packaging platform
All-in-one package: Combination of functionalities using scalable Wafer-Level Microfabrication techniques

All-in-one package: Combination of functionalities using scalable Wafer-Level Microfabrication techniques

Your benefits

From pluggable to co-packaged Optics. Excellent precision by semiconductor processing techniques enabling low loss coupling and easy assembly process steps for ultra-high speed modules.

Easy customization applicable with multiple applications:
optical interconnects, quantum photonics and sensing over a wide range of wavelength (0.5 to 5µm)

Full Wafer-Level microfabrication : cost-effective mass production solution

TELCORDIA standards passed / Cryogenic validation down to 4mK / Reflow process validation above 300°C / Mechanical stability and robustness